We are a group of individuals and organizations, who have been directly or indirectly affected by HIV, and have concern for children with the aim of making HIV and its effects a thing of the past. We educate, encourage and implement HIV alleviation activities. Keane Amooti Foundation follows a holistic program to nurture and hone.
Keane Amooti Foundation follows a holistic program to nurture and hone talents and skills of the children and improve family livelihoods.The organization is also dedicated to rescuing vulnerable children and rehabilitating them through healthcare, education and grooming them into useful members of the community!.
We look forward to continued evolution and strength as we move forward on our journey...
Donate nowKeane Amooti Foundation (KAF) is providing HIV/AIDS awareness through community campaigns, sex education and youth empowerment (support) which enables the children, teenagers, poor and other vulnerable groups to reduce HIV/AIDS prevalence rates.
We intend to participate or implement different activities or programs including; Early childhood education,HIV/AIDS Awareness campaigns, Charity home, OVC (Orphan Vulnerable Children) Youth Empowerment: Talents through music, sports, crafts, Poverty Alleviation programs and ICT exposure..
-Greater involvement of civil society actors
-Greater Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA) and Meaningful Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (MIPA)